Sunday, July 31, 2011

Military Man!

My cousin and his wife
bought this for our grandmother
when he was still an
active Marine.
He's dressed in felt and
has paper details and
I love him.

Paper Fairies

OK, now I can toss the colorful
advertisement that came this week!

It's not really a compulsion, but the
old days when colored paper was
a treat, have left their mark.

Have you Seen This?

Oh, my!  More than half of my post did not make it!  There was another photo of Dalila's work showing her leather work. 

I Missed!

I fell asleep early, last night, thinking I would wake up and do my post in a little while...
      It did not happen!  The next thing I knew, it was three in the morning, then it was nearly nine.  I have officially messed up!

Friday, July 29, 2011


This sweet face

and this little shelf full
are in my bedroom!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another Girl tries the Dress

This Daisy Kingdom doll
caught my eye
(she was standing about
in her underwear)
and, since I have not yet
sewn for her,
I decided to try the
American Girl dress
on her.

Not sure if she looks a little peeved,
or what, but the dress is a pretty
good fit.
This doll has the plastic body.

Felicity has the cloth
body.  I think my AG
doll is the Pleasant Company
version.  The Mattel dolls
appear a little slimmer.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

More Yellow for Betsy

Just finished this dress
for Tonner's Betsy McCall.
Well, when I realised  it
was ten pm, I didn't bother
with the pressing or the fastener.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

No Shoot, Today?

I don't know whether
she is miffed because of
where I left her, worn out
from working too hard or
just feeling neglected, but
this was Ellowyne's response
when I suggested we get to work!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hair Up

I felt like doing an updo, today.
Dolls don't wiggle or complain, much.

They keep their opinions to themselves.

Dolls even pose for all the
photos one cares to take!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hope You Don't Mind...

I'm having a session of sick, today, so I'll
put some more of yesterday's work
up for today's post.
Pulled in close and divested of color

left the same with color removed
and some edge enhancement

color altered and photo cropped

the original, as is, which I forgot
to "sign"

There are so many aspects to doll loving!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mad Mannequin!

wearing pieces from her
original package

wearing pieces from my scrapbox
plus her original wig, shoes and
ribbon belt

wearing pieces from my scrapbox
plus the boots from #30673

wearing dramatic scraps of
polar fleece and the boots

wearing one long strip
from my scrapbox plus
the boots plus the 'belt'
from her original package
and her own wig, put on

If you haven't had a chance to check
them out, these toys are explained better
than I could do it HERE.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Yellow Flounces

Betsy's dress was a "contribution"
from a thrift store doll!

It's so hot today that I kept waking in the
night and now I keep drifting off...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Beach Shoot with Barbie

On the picnic table.
I made the dress from a vintage pattern.

Down by the sea.
Shorts set by Mattel

Pinkly pretty
Dress and necklace are Mattel

Ready to wade
Mattel shortall

Bandana Barbie
Mattel pieces

Olympic pride

Rockin' Retro
The top is Mattel.
I made the skirt from a vintage pattern.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bold and Bright

The shirt is tagged Barbie.
I was surprised it fit
Perhaps it was made for Ken?
I thought it needed a
skirt worthy of it,
so I made this one
from some scraps.

Not my usual style.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kamp for Kaitlin

Well, Kaitlin, have you had enough
lounging in the shade?  Ready to
get a little work done?

Are you kidding?  This wind is

Well, let's give it a try.
Please change into your swimsuit.

Good grief!  What is this?
Well, actually it's kinda pretty.

Look this way, please.  Thank you.

This wind is still a problem...

OK, we'll try facing you directly into that
wind.  Nice.  Oops, lets fix that
umm, wardrobe malfunction.

Nice.  Thank you, Kaitlin.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Another Thrifting Yield

Perhaps I ought to
have left her there.
At 99 cents, this LIV
Sophie doll seemed
a bargain.  I like to
remove their heads
and replace the with
smaller ones, such as

Of course, photos of her

head can be dramatic!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Surprise, Surprise!

There, among the disorder
of the shelf in Goodwill,She appeared...

Addison, I think her name is.

Isn't it odd that I would get Kaitlin
one day and find Addison, the next?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Oh, I Shouldn't Have!

I stopped to see a friend
who sells dolls at a flea market.
She had this sweet little AG dress
with which I fell in love.

And this little home-made dress
caught my eye, too.
I shouldn't have bought either
of them.

I controlled myself
(Ha Ha Ha!)
and only bought one.

Doesn't Felicity look
 sweet in it?

I also met a doll lover
from my own town!
That was cool!