Saturday, November 5, 2011

What Did I Do With Her?

For some reason, I've been
thinking about this doll a lot,

I bought her for the dress
she had on, but I'm pretty sure
I did not give her away.

 Oh, dear!

Do know what you have,
 what you have had,
and where everything you have is?


  1. She's cute! To answer your question, yes I do! I have photos of every doll I ahve collected over the years. Some I did not keep, but have the photos to remember them by. As for actual dolls, accessories & clothing.....each one has their own containers to keep it all organized. I have always been like that. If I can't keep things in order, it drives me nuts! LOL!

  2. Thank you for your comment, Bama. :)

    It's beginning to drive ME nuts! I used to remember where everything was and if I gave it away, but not ant more. I need to get a system and stick with it. :) Started cataloging but never finished...

  3. I believe that I remember what I have had in the past. Many of them were sold on Ebay and some were gifted to others. Sometimes I find that I miss them.
    Perhaps I will also try a cataloging system. It sounds like a fun idea!
    Have a wonderful day!

  4. Thank you for your comment, Indigo. :) What an intriguing handle!
