I had a busy couple of days, so I thought I would get a chance to play around and blog a lot on Sunday afternoon. Well, that did not happen. |
This morning I received payment for this Skipper outfit, and I printed the shipping label & packing slip, wrote a note on the slip, sealed it all up and got it into the mail box. |
This dress sold, too. I have not been paid for it, yet. I think the buyer will enjoy it and should be happy with their $1 prize. |
Ebay certainly has its ups & downs, doesn't it? I'm glad most of your's were ups! I think your Crissy outfits are awesome!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the compliment, Bama! There are some thorns in the bed of roses that is eBay. I think that is true of any selling. My Etsy shop is not without its down side. I think it is the nature of selling. :)