Sunday, April 29, 2012

Another Shot

Here's my next attempt
at getting the cash flow
turned around!
I bought a doll lot,
last year.  This,
though unexpected
was in it.
I have it on eBay.
Well, we'll see.

Oh, by the way,
neither cloth doll has sold.
Oh, well.


  1. Nice! Is that two sets? A large and a small?

    1. Oh, dear! I suppose it looks like that, Bama! No, it's a close up, so you can see in the package and a full length so you can see that the package is there. :)

  2. New follower here!! I love how your blog covers all kinds of dolls! Absolutely awesome.

    I wish you luck with your sale! I need to sell off a ton of stuff myself. It's hard, because I look at the stuff and think, "Oh, but someone might wear that someday..." and then it sits there collecting dust for... forever!!! XD

    1. Oh, boy, Heather, can I relate! It is hard. I'm hoping it will become easier.
      You have brightened my day, by complimenting my blog. Thank you, so much. :)
