Monday, December 23, 2013

For a Dollar, He's a Doll!

I passed him by.
He was marked $1.99.

But then, when red tags
were half price,
he was still there!

I bit.  I bought.  Can a girl ever have
too many G I Joe action figures?

Is that thought menacing?
Is this pose menacing?

OK, I'm not into the bulging veins
on the bulging muscles.

He is a little muscle bound.

But, look at that articulated hand!
(OK, Joe, I see you are looking.)

I don't think I've had a hand with
a separate forefinger, before.

I mean, Joe can summon silently.

His hands can be quite expressive.
Looks to me like he wants his
binoculars back.

Now, what do you suppose is "OK?" 


  1. Oh cool! I didn't know they had made such improvements to GI Joe. He was my Barbie's boyfriend when I was little. I didn't like the way Ken looked.
    Happy New Year! I hope you get everything you want in 2014!

    1. Oh, thank you, Caroline! I liked Midge and Allen. I had a Barbie, no boys. Now I have a Midge and an Allen and my Barbie and a Ken...and a Skipper, Scooter and Ricky! All those years ago when I spent so much time looking at that little catalog, I never would have guessed I would get all the dolls I wished for - nor how many years later that would be. :)

  2. He is really handsome and nicely articulated. Pity that here those soldier toys have a rather fugly faces.

    1. I like is face. :) Thanks for visiting and commenting.
