Monday, December 2, 2013

'Til the Cows Come Home?

I used to only like dolls that are,at least loosely, human

Lately, I have been noticing
some cute ones!

Recently, this thrift store cow came
home with me.

Is it possible my "mood" is changing?

What is happening to me?

Did you ever use that expression?

"You can keep arguing 'til the
cows come home, but it won't
change my mind."

Thing is, the cows usually
do come home, on farms where
I lived.  I remember our
neighbor calling "come boss"
at the gate.  I think I remember
the milk cows gathering there
before he called, too.

Maybe this expression
has something to with big
ranches where they have
roundups. :)


  1. Hey there! I love the cow! Thank you for visiting my other blog. I have no idea why I am not getting updates for your blogs. I have them on my lists. This is very irritating!
    I guess I need to just visit your blogs more often. Lately, I haven't had much time for my own. And now I am enthralled in bird watching, which is taking more of my time than I thought. But I am enjoying it so much.
    I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and will have a wonderful, blessed Christmas! Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Carolyn. I have enjoyed your new blog. I have the same problem with posts not showing up that I have followed for a long time. It's very irritating. I tried to add a "subscribe" or "notify by email" thingummy to my blog, but I haven't figure it out. :/ Oh, well.
      I grew up amongst birdwatchers. Some of them were so avid that they kind of turned me off, but I think it's a nice pastime. Trust you and yours are well and your Christmas full of joy. :)

  2. Look at that detailed head! Are you going to make her clothes? That's a great find.

    1. I can hardly wait to make clothes for her. I have a little pre Christmas cleaning and other preparation to do, first. (Little?!) :)
