Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Confession Time

I probably do have 365 dolls in my house.  It's gotten out of control.  I have too many to enjoy them all.  So, I've (barely) started culling. 
Dolls bound for "elsewhere," among other transients on the floor.

Started out looking kinda cute.... oh, dear.

They (I) have taken over about half the living room.

My dresser looks pretty for a few minutes (or days) at a time.
This is also my photographic "studio," by the South facing window.
Oh, dear.  Oh dear.

This is not good!
Only some of these are doll books and magazines. 
I do have other interests.
Must I give up my dolls to have a happy home?  Am I the worst you've ever seen?  Will I be able to work out a system?  Is there any hope for me at all?  There must be!!


  1. The dolls do seem to take over! Good luck.

  2. Thank you, Still at Home. I'm seeking a balance... :)
