Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Who's that Lady?

In the evening,
by the ferny edge of a wood,
walked a mysterious cloaked figure.

Drawing nearer, I saw but a
portion of a face.
Who could it be?

Is that you?

Indeed so!
What dost thou here?
And why so heavily cloaked?

Without explanation,
she twisted her cloak
until the
starry lining shone out
around her.

Still wordless, she
dropped her heavy cape
and posed for a moment,
as though to say,
"You may photograph
me, mortal, if you
are so inclined."

I wish I knew where she was
bound, but that will
have to be left to the

I was being eaten by mosquitos
and made a dash for the house!

Frankie is a Mattel head
on a liv doll body


  1. Neat! Was is hard to change the heads? I have been so tempted to get a Moxie Teen of BF Ink doll just because of all the fun joints. I got my little granddaughter has one of the multi-jointed Barbie dolls. She's fun but doesn't sit like a lady, LOL!

  2. The head change was tricky, but not very hard. The Mattel head was on an older body, so it came off fairly easily. I only used my hand to heat it. The liv body was a dream to add to. The heads are a bit stiff. I may have used my heat gun from my crafting supplies. I know I used it on Fashionistas Barbie. I thought her head was disproportionate. I ruined some of her hair... Hey, maybe I should post about this!?
