Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What do You Call Them?

Got this little set at Goodwill, Tuesday.

Some of the flatware is missing.

But I did not resist.

I call them "doll dishes."
Probably there is a better designation.
Probably I didn't need them.


  1. Very cute! Awhile back I bought a set of this loose and missing the creamer. We love Madeline so we didn't mind. I took an oval paper mache box found at Goodwill and painted it blue & yellow and put a decal of Madeline on the lid. I wanted mt granddaughter to have a safe place to keep them when she wasn't playing with them. It turned out really cute. I may ahve to do a quick post about it so you can see. :o)

  2. Oh, do! :) Missing in this set: 1 spoon; 1 fork; the sugar lid What I need it for? I don't know! :)

  3. I am still searching for my pics. I may have to dig it out and take more! LOL!

  4. I will stop holding my breath! :)
