Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pouch of Purchases

This is what I bought at Goodwill, yesterday.

This is why I bought what I bought
at Goodwill, yesterday.

This is what is left after I removed
what I wanted from the rest of what I
bought at Goodwill, yesterday.

See anything you need? 


  1. Cute! A friend of mine has all of the Liv dolls and accessories, etc. I think they are pretty, but I'm trying to downsize a bit to make room for a couple of very special little girls. More on that soon. :o)

  2. Looking forward to it, Bama!
    The whole bag cost $4.73 including tax. I use the Liv dolls I find this cheaply as body donors for heads whose bodies are not articulated. These are both light skinned, so we will see, when I sort through that size dolls, again.
