Do you ever get an idea you just
can't wait to try?
The description in Laura Ingalls Wilder's
Little House in the Big Woods
has intrigued me.
Yesterday, that thought
and tiny primitive dolls
came together and I
happily stitched up this little lass.
Her hair is blanket stitched,
as is her collar. The fabric and
lace are from my tiny scraps
that any sane person --
or not a doll person, would
throw away.
She is stuffed with cotton
from the top of a vitamin supplement
bottle. Even the thread was left in
my needles from other projects.
It ran out and I had to get some
I put the quarter beside her
for scale.
Noticing that it was larger
than her head,
I put it behind her,
then thought I'd give
her temporary wings,
as well.
I had such a ball that
I want to do more!
I wonder if they would sell. |
Cute! I don't remember that description in the books. I'll have to dig mine out and read them again. I love those books!
ReplyDeleteThis doll is not meant to be Charlotte. I love those books, too. :)
ReplyDeleteShe's cute.
ReplyDeleteI found a few of those books at the town library when I was a girl and loved them. A few years ago I got a set for our book shelves and enjoyed reading more about what happened to the Ingalls family.
Thank you, SaH. If you are interested, there has been a lot more written. Rose, Laura and Almanzo's daughter, told her stories to Roger Lea MacBride, who started writing them in novel form. They are interesting as they start where Laura stopped. In fact, the first one retells On the Way Home, Laura's diary of their trip to Missouri, with a setting by Rose, herself. This series is suitable for children. Some of the other biographical works do not spare the reader, although I don't recall any graphic parts, just factual references to a pretty interesting era. Oh, dear. How I do go on! :)