Friday, September 23, 2011

Three Doll Books

I had to laugh a little,
when I titled this post.
I got the tune of
three blind mice in my head.




I was happy to find each of
these books at bargain prices, in
the last four months.
I had no idea I would
have them for weeks and
still not have made anything
from their patterns!

Weird, huh?!


  1. Not weird to me! LOL! I do the same thing! I'll even buy patterns and fabric and forget about it for months. Probably because I have good intentions when I get the stuff, but do not really enjoy sewing, so I keep putting it off....

  2. Awww, thanks fo making me feel better, Bama. :) I'm glad I'm not the only one!

    I don't really enjoy sewing, either. Watching an idea come to being is the fun part. Finishing is not, which may partially explain why I have so many nearly finished and half finished projects around here! :I
