Monday, February 27, 2012


I had a busy couple of days,
so I thought I would get a
chance to play around and
blog a lot on Sunday afternoon.
Well, that did not happen.

This morning I received payment
for this Skipper outfit,
and I printed the shipping label & packing
slip, wrote a note on the slip,
sealed it all up and got it into the mail box.

Now, this outfit turned out
to be quite popular. 
I know $3 is not much for
a whole outfit, but
money is tight, these days,
so I start my outfits out
This one got 9 bids and
went for $12.50.
I realise that isn't going to make
me rich, especially after Pay pal
& eBay get paid, but I'm
elated that I made a "hit."

This dress sold, too.
I have not been paid for it, yet.
I think the buyer will enjoy it
and should be happy with
their $1 prize.

Skipper is hiding in shame
because her knit outfit did not
sell.  (Actually, this was to
show the back.)  I re-listed it for
a rather low price, so perhaps it will
sell, this week.

Hoping to play and take pictures
more, this week.

Have fun!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'm Quite Happy

with the way

this outfit

turned out!

(Maybe I'm not the only one.)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Workin' on...

...listing for sale... work.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Betsy Says, "Happy St. Valentine's Day."

Hearts and dress are my work.  The sleigh
is from the thrift store.

14 inch Betsy is seasonal, too.

Her dress length looks...

...better from a higher angle, I think.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Experimenting, Again

The two Skipper outfits sold.
Guess I'd better make some more!
In the meantime, I am listing two
dresses for Crissy & company,
modeled by Kerry.

I was a little shocked at how
short the pink dress came
out.  Also, I wanted to experiment
with the pattern, a bit. 
Kerry shows us my next attempt.

There were two areas that I wanted
to try "improving" on the pattern.
(Well, I also lengthened it, but that
is hardly an experiment, for me.)
I wanted to try lining the top of the
dress without slip stitching.
I did not get that right!
I did cut the dress in
one piece.  This results in the
back being on the diagonal,
so, if you try it, you have been
warned!  By pinning the
shoulder seam on the stitching
line, I eliminated the shoulder
seam altogether.
This required a larger
piece of fabric, but I
was unhappy with the big
shoulders of the Skipper
dress I had made, earlier.  I am
pleased with this result
and plan to try it with
smaller doll patterns.

Unfortunately, I did not
photograph the process.
Perhaps, next time.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Play Time

Started out to relist some dolls...

so, of course, I dressed one.

Then I took a picture.
(Plus I got hungry for lunch.)

Well, you can see what happened!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

OK, Heeeere Goes!

I listed this set...

...and this set (I just finished
it, last night) on eBay. 
It is an experiment.
We shall see.  :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012


When I saw this little doll at Goodwill,
last evening, She was wearing a classic
hand crochet bed doll outfit.
You know, large full skirt
with a big hat. 
Her hair was partially pinned
on top of her head.
Her arms, held on by rubber bands,
were now only held on by the arms of her gown.
I thought she was composition,
at first, but wanted to examine her,
anyway.  She is (ta da)
hard plastic.
Well, with my discount card, that would be
$7.20, plus sales tax.
After some thought, I spent
the cash and brought her
My friend, Sylvia, confirmed
for me (today) that I had got my money's worth.
She is a Saucy Walker TYPE.
Sylvia also restrung her arms.
The connection between her legs and
head seems to be out of order.
When you turn her from side to
side her eyes move, so I think
she once had "flirty" eyes.

I didn't need another hard
plastic doll from the 1950's,
did I?

I do admit to being a little excited. :)

(These clothes don't quite fit.  She has the toddler body type, so, most of my stockpile is not made for her.)

Friday, February 3, 2012


A Little More Fun!

The same vintage pattern has a dress
with a circle skirt. 
So, I wanted to try it.
One thing I did not like was
the way the armholes and neckline
were finished, inside.
These were turned in, clipped and
sewn down.  Now, raw edges are
necessary in some of these tiny
clothes, but I wanted to try lining this
one.  It did make the shoulders pretty

I don't know whether I can rework this
to my satisfaction, or not.  I may have to
make it just the way the pattern says.

I had a lot of fun, until I tried to put all those
seams together around the arm holes. :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Little Fun

Sewing pants and knitting a sweater
and a hat for Skipper was fun.
They're so little!

Of course, they fit Ricky, too.
Well, the hat's a little large.
Ricky's hair is not rooted.

Next: a dress from the same
vintage pattern as the pants.
(Maybe I should have followed
the instructions.)