Thursday, March 31, 2011

Scraps of Lace

Scraps of lace.  Just saying or writing it makes me smile, at least inwardly.
The skirt has hand crocheted lace from someones stash.  I cut up a piece of gorgeous lace to make the little jacket and added a piece to edge it.  I don't prefer to cut lovely lace, but this piece was uneven.  A lot was wasted in the forming of the jacket, so I would probably only do it with something that is not precious, another time.  (This scrap was not very precious!)

Ellowyne Wilde doll by Wilde Imagination

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My 2 "Big" Doll Show Purchases

This 16 inch hard plastic darling spoke to me before I had gone around the show once.
She appears to me to be a 'dress me," being only numerically marked and with a couple of unrefined places where the mold didn't meet.
She cost $15.    I washed her and added socks & shoes I had at home.
I shall enjoy making other clothes for her, I think.

A Monique wig for my "Bloom."
At $18, my husband was a little shocked. 
I figured - good price, no shipping & I had birthday $$.
Tee hee!

My other purchases were:
1 pair of dolly skates
1 bag of leather dress glove scraps.
1 large-ish bag of lace scraps

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


For exquisite work and special details, their booth attracts me, every time. 
I don't have much for dolls that would justify buying these beautiful dresses, so I try not to break my heart over them.
The small pictures better represent the actual color.  The contrast has been increased in the larger pictures
to show more of the detail.


For more of what they do, visit their website

Their store is open Friday & Saturday 10am - 4pm
or by appointment.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Carol Leach

Carol's business is illustration,
 so these darlings would be her avocation, I'd say.
The porcelain darlings started out as someones mold.

The little brownies or fairies on the left are entirely original.

Close ups without my tripod

were a little bit

Of course, this shot just begged for me to
"mess" with it.

Carol Leach Illustration
Dover, NH

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Porter Emporium, Inc.

One of the booths at yesterday's doll show, was Porter Emporium's.

It's a real, "brick and morter" doll store & gift shop. 

Here we go!

Between the people I could see lots of Ginnys  plus a beautiful felt doll by R. John Wright!

This darling Masterpiece girl was hard to resist, but I hadn't
saved up enough money.

Someone's little girl was playing with the dolls..., she's another Masterpiece doll!

Turning to go back out, I encountered
A Precious (Moments) couple.
(someone had put his hat on
backwards, I guess.)

I didn't photograph everything, of course,
but I missed the Tonner dolls.
How shocking!

Margie Johnson at
Porter Emporium
is glad to help you with your doll needs.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Doll Show! Doll Show!

I drove alone for two hours, each way, today.  The doll show was small, but worth it. I'm pooped, but here are some pictures:

This booth represented several different artisans' work.

Friday, March 25, 2011

I Like This Post!

Get it?? Ha ha ha ha haa!

This doll is marked
Horsman Dolls Inc.
        19 c 69

The c is in a circle.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Quick Shot of New Knits

Recently finished the dress and the bare shouldered sweater.
Both dolls are Antoinette by Tonner.
"Meadow," on the left is OOAK by Laurie Lenz
Angels Studio

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Taste of the Shoot

I have at least 30 images!  I pulled out these few.
Ellowyne Wilde by Wilde Imagination

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Dance

It was in the 60 degrees (F) and the sun was shining.
Aunt Lou had just finished an experiment in the way of Summer dresses and set up a photo shoot with Ellowyne Wilde.
Whether influenced by the weather or the dress, who shall say, Miss Wilde began, uncharacteristically, to dance!

Catching up a scarf-like throw from the set, she tossed it around her head, then her shoulders, dancing to music unheard by us.

Whew!  She suddenly collapsed into a chair!
and we got on with the shoot, which I will post tomorrow,
good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.
Ellowyne Wilde is from Wilde Imagination.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Image Because...

I love it! (Plus, I'm still not ready with the whole shoot.)
Ellowyne Wilde by Wilde Imagination