Thursday, June 30, 2011

Rumer Godden

Do you like stories about dolls?

One of my favorite "doll" authors
is Rumer Godden.

I think the first of her books
that I read was
Miss Happiness and Miss Flower.

Four of her shorter books about
dolls are published in one
volume, thus the name;
Four Dolls.

Impunity Jane is an adventurous
little doll.

The Fairy Doll is about a young girl
growing up with a fairy doll's help.

The Story of Holly and Ivy
tells how a doll and a girl
overcome obstacles to better their Christmas.

Candy Floss lives a special
life as a good luck charm.

I have purposely made my
descriptions rather vague
so that you may enjoy the stories
more, as you read them.

Miss Godden wrote other books.
At least seven of them are doll stories
if I remember correctly.

Do you have a favorite doll story?
More than one?

Do tell!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mystery Men

on head:

on back:
c1990 BIG STEP
CHINA  C-151


on back:

Each mystery man is about
12 inches tall.

Do you know anything about them?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Katrina is from the
Dolls of America's Colonial Heritage

She is porcelain and cloth.
The Hamilton Collection

Do you, like me, sometimes
find yourself attracted to a doll
that is not your usual "type?"

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Orange Skirt

Antoinette gets dramatic in the
new skirt.

Doesn't she look glamorous?

Antoinette is by Tonner
Her blouse and skirt are my work
Wig is Monique

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Here is Grannie.

When I brought Grannie home
from my first doll show, my son said
her eyes were kind of staring, so I
put these glasses on her.  I think
this photo shows what my son meant.

Grannie came to me dressed
this way.  The woman who sold
her to me said she had her since
childhood and she is original,
except the hat.

Grannie has abundant hair
and lovely skin.

This is to show the detail
of Grannie's gown.
(Besides, the photo was
not as sharp as I hoped.)

Grannie is vinyl and appears unmarked.

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Toilet Roll Dolls!

The cutest short videos came across my screen yesterday.  Have you seen The Toilet Roll Dolls website?  You probably have, as they have been around for awhile.  If not, check them out HERE !

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bathing Beauty

If you had received this vessel,
would you, as I, have thought
of it as a doll tub?
(I think I have a bad case of dollitis!)

Marley Wentworth by Tonner

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Barbie Heads & Necks

Oldest style of neck knob

newer styles

When I was a kid, people switched Barbie
heads around all the time.

It was easy.  You just pulled her head off
and popped another on.  You will find
some heads are cracked in the area that goes
on the neck.  It probably wasn't the best method.

If you try to pop the head off a newer Barbie,
the little post may break, leaving you with a naked
doll rattle and a head.  Whoopie!

Somewhere, when I googled it, I found the instructions for changing the heads on these newer bodies.  When I had removed their heads, the instructions became obvious.

Heat the head.  Sometimes your own hand is warm
enough.  I also used my heat gun from my crafting stuff.  A hair dryer would work.  Some suggest the oven or hot water.  If using a hair dryer or heat gun
I fried the hair, fortunately it was on the body donor.
Leaving the bottom part sticking out, wrap the head & hair in something like a small towel.

When the head is softer, the trick is to stretch the plastic over the different stages of the gizmo.

Tilting the head forward, stretch the neck up over the
first part of the neck knob.  It will not be completely free.

If the head is soft, you may be able to feel or see
the 'spur' of the gizmo through her 'skin.'

The first side will come out a little hard.

then the head will slide right off


it has the extra piece on top.

That will require a bit more 


Oh, yes, the spur thingies may be
cut off to accommodate heads.
This was necessary when I used
a liv body for a Mattel head,
as in yesterday's post.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Who's that Lady?

In the evening,
by the ferny edge of a wood,
walked a mysterious cloaked figure.

Drawing nearer, I saw but a
portion of a face.
Who could it be?

Is that you?

Indeed so!
What dost thou here?
And why so heavily cloaked?

Without explanation,
she twisted her cloak
until the
starry lining shone out
around her.

Still wordless, she
dropped her heavy cape
and posed for a moment,
as though to say,
"You may photograph
me, mortal, if you
are so inclined."

I wish I knew where she was
bound, but that will
have to be left to the

I was being eaten by mosquitos
and made a dash for the house!

Frankie is a Mattel head
on a liv doll body

Monday, June 20, 2011

Restaurant Antics

Jenny got to go to the
restaurant with the big people.

They had no vinyl food.
Jenny did not seem to mind.

She did seem to get a little bored.

She found the size of my chopsticks
a source of amusement. 

Good fortune, Jenny!


K119 (?)
(partially obscured by hair)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tender Heart doll

Well, here she is!

My DH and I were in Goodwill, yesterday.
This doll was ticketed with the half price color.

Plus, I have a discount card.
(You buy the card for $10 and
it's good for 10% off for a year.)
That made her $2.25 before tax.

Would you have resisted?
She's weighted and contoured to
sit.  I love here bare feet.  Her hands are large
and clumsy in comparison.

Her dress fits 14 inch Betsy better
than it does the original owner.

What would you do?
For that price I got a dress and a
wig that I can pull off and use for
other dolls.
Someone has marked her face, arm and leg.
I don't really have a place for her.
Just look at that face!

tag on doll body reads:
Tender Heart Treasures, Ltd.
Made in China



Saturday, June 18, 2011

What a Face!

I am most tired.
More about her in another post.
If I forget, remind me!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Not a Doll, at All!

So, why do I like to collect these?
Why are they all male?
(I do have a girl, but she has a special spot.)
I didn't pay more that $4 for any of these.
Hmm, well, anyway, I like them.

I'm not sure any of these are attributed.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fresh Ellowyne

New skirt, older shirt.
Something about this look feels fresh
to me and it makes me happy.

Ellowyne Wilde
Wilde Imagination

Her outfit is my work.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What do You Call Them?

Got this little set at Goodwill, Tuesday.

Some of the flatware is missing.

But I did not resist.

I call them "doll dishes."
Probably there is a better designation.
Probably I didn't need them.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The "Accidental" Doll

I bid on this darling on ebay.

I didn't mean to do it, and I didn't notice that I had!

So, now she lives with me.
OF DOLLS 170 (?)
c 1984 (?)
Some of the impressions are hard to read.
The numerals may not be what I think.