Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Horse and a Doll

Got the horse a while ago.
Got Felicity recently.
Just put them together, today.

Although the horse was made for this size doll (by another company)  the proportion seems wrong, to me.
Am I too picky?


  1. I don't think you are being too picky. In fact, I agree! I have always thought the scale was off on the American Girl & Battat/Our Generation horses too. I don't have any of the horses, but a friend of mine does and she uses them for her Ginger Brook Hollow dolls. The scale is perfect for them! They are 17 inches and much slimmer than AG dolls. It also helps that they have multiple joints so that the legs look more natural in a riding position. That in itself may be part of the problem. That "spread-eagle" look is not very attractive! LOL!

  2. Felicity was a bargain!

  3. Heard that Felicity was a deal! Way to go!

  4. Bama, thank you for confirming my opinion. I got Mr Horsie (no, not his name, just being childish) for a deal from a dealer friend, who said, "You don't want that!" I think he was $8. Thing is, I'm having difficulty with any doll being in near enough scale to please me. I may try my Tonners, next. He sure takes a lot of room, but I was very pleased to find him. :)

  5. cammomom & annonymous, you are quite right. Felicity was such a bargain that I was quite gleeful and unrepentant at buying "another doll" while I am trying to pare down, cut back and organize. :)
