Saturday, January 14, 2012

Another "ism"

Bless me Blogger for I have ... not posted for TEN days!

-- Forgive me, please, if this offensive.  I am not Catholic and have no wish to deride or upset anyone.
OK, so here it is.
Is there such a thing as


Does any one else do this?

"Ooo!  A dolly clearance sale!
Ooo!  I don't have a Moxie boy!
Ooo!  He's cute!
Ooo!  One third the original price!
Ooo!  I have enough money!
Ooo!  I haven't bought a doll
for a while!"

"Ooo!  What did I do that for?"

I mean, he's cute, and all, but
I think I just should have walked

By the by, his feet are non-existent.
The boots come off like

Oh, well.  Maybe some day I'll
have this lesson down pat.

 And... yes, this is an "ism."
It's part of that sneaky consumerism.

Do not worry.  It's a small price to
pay for such a good lesson.


  1. LOL! I am in stitches reading your post! How many times have I done the same thing? Ummmmm...too many to count!

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed my discomfort, Bama! :D Just kidding, of course. I'm learning never to say, "I have learned..." because I find myself getting another lesson, just when I thought had that area squared away. :)

  3. I definitely understand this "Clearance-ism" doctrine! Heehee!

  4. Heehee! I've gotta get this one under control. My "bargains" are trying to take over! :I

  5. LOL, how funny, don't tend to buy dolls from sales as don't really go to the is evilbay that is my undoing!

    1. Always glad to amuse! :) I have an ebay credit of less than a dollar, right now and it's burning a hole in my dolly dollar pocket! :D It's amazing what you can find by wading through the 99 cent sales! :o

  6. LOL! I was just enjoying your post and about to comment, when I got notice of your comment! :)
