Sunday, July 7, 2013

Voted Off?

At the time I bought these
Skipper dolls, I wanted
to have an example of
each change in Skipper.
Barbie had so much variety
that I didn't even try.
Skipper had a growing up
body.  I missed that one.
Then there was this doll.
Her pensive gaze was
changed to a friendly grin.
Her body was almost the
same, but she had a little bust, now.

Now, this Skipper
reminded me of
the Takara Barbie
because of
the huge eyes
and womanly figure.
I did not care for her costume,
but she went on a really good sale.
I never did de-box her.
I had my son
and, though I loved to
look at dolls,
they had to take
a back seat, so to speak.

Over later years, 
I picked up examples of
these Skippers
that had been played with
and discarded --
well, donated, really.
There would be a plastic bag 
with several dolls in it
for a reasonable price.
There was no question
of keeping these dolls
they were well used,
in most cases.

will Skippers from the 
1980's sell in 2013?
I have started with these
two, on eBay.
We shall see.


  1. I bet they will sell quickly, they're so cute! I love the big eyed Skipper. :)

    1. I do, too, IHime. I have to stop myself from buying them when I find them at thrift stores. :)

  2. Jewel Secrets Skipper sold this week. Took a little while, but she's off to a new home. :)

  3. Beach Blast Skipper sold, as well. That, also, took some time. :)
