Friday, August 19, 2011

Pancake Patty

Every once in a while,
I get the notion to make
another cloth doll.
Some have called this
age-old style "pancake"
because of the flat construction,
I believe.

So, here she is, made several
months ago, and just fell out of a
bag as if to say, "Hey, remember me?"
Patty is three and one eighth inches tall
and her clothes are sewn on her.
As I recall, the toughest part was
tying those tiny bows!

Do you ever make pancake dolls?


  1. I have never made a doll, but I used to make antique style teddy bears. The smaller it is, the harder it is to make, when it comes to sewing! A six inch bear was the smallest I could manage, so I have a lot of respect for those who can make tiny things.

  2. Aw, thanks, Bama. :) Do you have pictures of those bears? I'd love to see some.

  3. I do have pictures of most of my bears. I have never put them on my doll blog before, but maybe I should! I'll try to get a post done sometime this week. :o)
