Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sweets Sunshine

In answer to Bama's question
about yesterday's post,
this doll is Sweets Sunshine
when she became a big sister.

The back of her neck and

her back are marked clearly.
Being fortunate enough to
own the book Thirty Years
of Mattel Fashion Dolls
by J. Michael Augustyniak,
all I had to do was look her up!
(I found the book at Goodwill.
Wasn't I lucky?)
I think I'll try to sell her...


  1. Thanks for that! Is she dated too? Her eyes are interesting as well as her bendy knees. She's cute!

  2. Yes, Bama, the date is mid 1977. I picked the photo in which the date is hidden by her clothes! :I On sold on Ebay, recently, for 5 or 6 dollare, I think. I may have the courage to try. I haven't been great at figuring the postage and insurance. :I

  3. (I mean, 1977, without the "mid.") :)

  4. Sounds like a great book AuntLou. Goodluck with ebay.

  5. Thank you, Still at Home, on both counts! :)
