Thursday, October 27, 2011

Little Stacie has Been Patient

Temperatures have been dropping
around here, but she hasn't complained.

So, today she got that shampoo
she needed.

Well, it's cleaner!

Perhaps it can be controlled
this way.  I'm thinking of
giving her a boil perm.

I did make her a pair of panties.
I did not finish them.
They went on fine, but restricted
her a bit too much.

I also made her a little dress. 
I goofed that up, too.
Maybe I'll take a photo later.
Maybe not.
At least she is no longer
completely nude!


  1. LOL! Dolly spa days are fun! I'm sure you will have her looking great in no time.
    Have a great weekend! :o)

  2. Thank you, Bama. You, too! I'm so busy sew ing (and selling some) stars that my dolly stuff gets pushed to the back. :)
