Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Renew This Rescue Doll or Leave Her Alone?

We met at an outdoor flea market.
I passed her by with just a glance.
After all, I did not need another doll.

Walking back by
on the way to the car,
I looked more closely at her.
I knew I would.
It was nearly inevitable.

A vinyl Madame Alexander Elise!
Was she meant to
be a bride?
Forlorn, but still lovely
 in her torn finery,
I could not leave her there,
especially at that price.
(I think it was $8.)

Now, what is to be her fate.
Not too many vinyl Elise's
have been sold on eBay, lately.
The cheapest was over $25.
She looked in much better shape
than mine.
My dolls is missing the heels on
both shoes - the glue marks are there.
There are at least two holes in the
fine tulle of her outer dress.
Will that grayed tulle ever be white, again?
Is it worth while to replace the elastic
in her petticoat?
The tag of her dress is frayed.
It is on the left back side
of her bodice on the
Is that the normal place?
How does the tag get frayed?
Her face paint looks good.
Her sleep eyes work well.
Her hair is a little matted,
but not much.

To redress or not to redress?
what do you think?


  1. She is lovely and I can remember when these dolls commanded high prices on ebay! And maybe they will again someday soon.

    About the tag, yes that is normal for some of the older MA dolls. I sold or gave away all of my old ones a couple of years ago, but most of them had the outside tags on their dresses.

    She is definitely worth saving, but if you would rather pass her along, at least you should make a little profit on ebay. She looks to be in nice condition. If you decide to sell her, I wouldn't take her outfit off. Let the buyer decide what they want to do with it.

    Good luck, whichever you choose to do! :o)

    1. Odd place for a tag! :) I like her, but don't know what I will do. I'll enjoy her as she is, for now. Thanks, Bama. :)

  2. Cute doll.I say leave her like she is.

  3. I would tend to leave her as she is as well, she is lovely. Perhaps a little clean up and tidy her hair as required.

    1. Thank you, Serenata. I don't know if i dare touch that netting, but it is so gray! I'm going to try to see your recent posts, again.

  4. Hello from Spain: if you do not want this doll you can sell e-bay. There are doll collectors of that type. We keep in touch.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you, Marta. The trouble is, do I want to keep her, or not? If she is very valuable I probably should sell her. I don't think, in this condition, that she is very valuable
